Important: Be careful not to provide anyone your credit card details as we will never ask for them, nor for your OTP or password.
Every order gets shipped and then delivered in the span of 5-21 days of making the order, this being the maximum waiting period. Even though the majority of shipments, roughly around 95% are packed and shipped within a maximum period of 10 days if not less, several orders unfortunately have been witnessed and documented to take as long as 21 days.
In case the window of 21 days has surpassed and your order still remains unreleased, it is better to contact the customer service and inquire about the status in the MY ACCOUNT section inside our website. Regarding the orders you have made at, whether undelivered or already delivered, you can also check the information and the status of each of the orders from MY ORDERS part of the site.
- If you are not logged in already, click on the “Login” link at top right to sign in.
- Tightly above you, you shall find on your right corner: “My Account”, hit it.
- After that simply touch on “My Orders” on the ‘My Accounts’ page to view the modding status of all your orders.